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Woven City实证试验今秋启航


五年后再来CES 昔日构想已成真

1月7日,丰田章男会长在美国拉斯维加斯举行的世界级技术展览会“CES 2025”上,出席了新闻发布会。

2020年,丰田章男时任社长,在当年的CES上发表了演讲,首次向世界展示了Woven City的宏伟构想。时光荏苒,五年后的今天,他再次宣布:Woven City的首个实证区域建设已经完成,将正式开始筹备实证项目启动工作。

丰田会长曾表示对Woven City的定位是“移动性的测试场”,其核心概念是打造一座“以人为本的城市”“实证试验的城市”“可持续升级的城市”。


五年后再来CES 昔日构想已成真



Good afternoon, everyone…and thank you so much for being here today…and for bringing so many cameras! I feel like Taylor Swift!


But seriously, I'll bet that when you hear the name Toyota…you probably think of words like dependability, value, or affordable transportation…


In fact, I'm pretty sure that "prototype town of the future" isn't the first thing that pops into your head! But five years ago…on this very stage…in this very room… Apparently I was wearing the same tie…

五年前参加CES 2020登台演讲的丰田社长(时任)

宣布了丰田将建造一个实证城市,“Woven City”。

I announced that Toyota…would be building exactly that. We call it Woven City.

“Woven City”位于日本美丽的富士山脚下。“Woven City”不仅仅是一个生活、工作和娱乐的地方,它还是一个人们可以发明和开发各种新产品和新想法的地方。

Located at the base of beautiful Mt. Fuji in Japan…Woven City is more than just a place to live, work and play…Woven City is a place where people can invent and develop all kinds of new products and ideas…


It's a living laboratory where the residents are willing participants…giving inventors the opportunity to freely test their ideas in a secure, real-life setting…

“Woven City”欢迎来自世界各地的朋友,一起思考、改善未来生活。

A place where we can welcome people and partners from around the world to join us in our quest to imagine and improve how all of us live in the future.

今天,我很高兴地宣布,我们已经正式完成了“Woven City”第一阶段的建设。

Well today, I am happy to announce that we have officially completed phase one of our Woven City campus…



从今年开始,“Woven City”将有居民入住,逐步将这里发展成为真正的实证试验之城。随着每个阶段的建成,最终将有约2000名居民。

This year, residents will begin moving in…as we slowly bring our Woven City to life. As each phase is complete, our population will eventually grow to around 2,000 people…


and will include: Toyota employees and their families…, retired people…, retailers…, visiting scientists…, industry partners…, entrepreneurs…, academics…

当然,我们也十分欢迎宠物的入住。这是我的宠物,她叫米妮,她一定能很适应这里。“Woven City”的所有交通工具都将是低排放或零排放的。

and of course…their pets! This is mine… Her name is Minnie. And she'll fit right in because all transportation in Woven City will be low to zero emission!


That's because sustainability is one of our major priorities…and we are proud to have received Japan's first LEED Platinum certification for a community…the highest standard awarded.

*LEED为Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design的缩写。是由美国绿色建筑协会运营的建筑和城市环保性能评价体系。Woven City已于2023年3月获得此认证。

在“Woven City”,我们专注于四个领域的研究和创新:人员、货物、信息以及能源的“移动出行”。

We plan to focus on 4 key areas of research and innovation: the mobility of people…goods…information…and energy.

我们将“Woven City”视为一个“移动性的测试场”,在这里开发各种课题的解决方案。

We think of Woven City as a “test course for mobility"…where we can develop any number of solutions…


From personal mobility devices…like a wheelchair racecar…because everybody should experience the joy of going fast to drones that safely escort you home at night…to interactive pet robots that provide support and companionship for the elderly…

还有我们的合作伙伴Joby制造的飞行汽车。如果能够飞行,那就从“Woven City”到东京,让我们享受快速且无交通拥堵的旅程!

to flying cars like this one…made by our friends at Joby, making the trip from Woven City to Tokyo… fast and traffic free!


And for partners like Joby, we've even transformed one of our former factory buildings into a laboratory big enough to house an airplane!


So for any of you inventors out there looking for a really big space to work in…please keep us in mind!



“Woven City”的住宅将会成为未来技术的测试场所,像协助我们日常生活的家用机器人等,都可在此进行测试。

Homes in the Woven City will eventually serve as test sites for future technology such as in-home robotics, to assist with daily life.


In fact, we're currently developing robots that learn everyday tasks through camera assisted, human demonstration.


For example, folding clothes…is one task we take very seriously in Japan… and Asia for that matter…as you can see…


So here's one of our team members using hand held cameras to show our robots the Japanese way to fold a t-shirt…and now here's the robot the next day…after studying the data that was sent to it…it's learned overnight, how to execute a three-point fold…perfectly!

这只是其中的一个案例。我们希望能够将这些技术在“Woven City”进行开发和测试。

This is just one example of the kind of technology we imagine being developed and road tested at Woven City.


Autonomy is another…including autonomous logistics and autonomous transportation with our e-Palette.


Now, between you and me…as Toyota's Master Driver, I've personally thought autonomous vehicles were a bit…you know… boring…until our team showed me these two Toyota race cars that drift autonomously….


I mean, as the kids would say…that slaps…and I'm totally here for it!

自动驾驶是计划在“Woven City”进行开发的众多技术中的一项。

So autonomous driving will be among the many technologies we intend to develop at Woven City, including Artificial Intelligence.

特别是AI,我们希望活用这项技术,扩大“Woven City”的范围。这样就可以将在“Woven City”做的项目通过虚拟互动,与外部的人们链接起来。

Among other things, we hope to use AI to help expand the reach of Woven City…allowing people to virtually interact with the city and its projects.

他们还试图在“Woven City”为我制作一个虚拟化身,但这还在制作中!

They're also trying to make a virtual avatar of me at Woven City…but clearly…that's a work in progress!

2021年动工的“Woven City”,是由“Woven by Toyota”的团队成员,充满爱意制作出来的。

I have to say, that from the day we broke ground in 2021… Woven City has been a true labor of love for our team members at Woven by Toyota…an independent company we created to support this project.

“Woven by Toyota”是支持这个项目的独立公司,目前有从世界60多个国家和地区聚集的2200名成员。

With 2,200 team members…from over 60 different countries around the world….

“Woven by Toyota”的使命是,创造以人为本的技术,拓展移动出行的边界,量产幸福。

Woven By Toyota's mission is to create human centric technologies…expanding mobility…and well-being for all.


This includes a new operating system for cars…called Arene…a Digital Twin platform…which replicates real world environments…

另外,Vision AI可以通过分析视频数据,并与AI相结合,来深刻理解人与物的动作。

and Vision AI…which combines video data analysis with artificial intelligence to better understand the movement behavior of people and objects.

我们将活用现实和数据两种环境,让新技术在“Woven City”迅速开展实证试验和研发。

By utilizing both real and digital environments, we aim to accelerate the pace at which new technologies can be tested and developed at Woven City.



大家可能会有疑问“Woven City会给丰田带来怎样的收益”。

Now… I know what you're thinking…will this Woven City make Toyota any money?


Well… maybe not! But that's ok.


Because as global citizens, I believe Toyota has a responsibility to invest in our collective future…to share what we've learned with others…and support new ideas that benefit the planet and its people.

通过新创意为人们提供幸福,这就是我们创建“Woven City”的初衷。

And that, more than anything else… is why we created Woven City.

今年夏天,我们将举行一场Pitch竞赛,为需要经济支援的初创企业或个人,提供在“Woven City”实证试验的创意资金。

It's also why this summer we're launching a pitch competition for fully funded “scholarships" to the Woven City for start-ups or individuals who need financial support to bring their ideas to life.


We believe that by combining Toyota's strengths…with those from different industries…we'll be able to create new value, new products and new services, we could never achieve on our own.

我们认为这是一种“乘法发明”。一起合作,就能达成“Sky is the summit”的境界,一切皆有可能!

We think of it as invention by kakezan……or invention by multiplication. Because when it comes to what's possible when we work together…the sky's the limit!


And speaking of sky, we're exploring rockets too…because the future of mobility shouldn't be limited to just earth…or just one car company for that matter!

*将陆、海、空中的移动出行扩大到宇宙,基于该视野,Woven By Toyota决定投资Interstellar Technologies株式会社,同时决定提供支持,助力将丰田在制造领域的专业知识活用于推动火箭的量产化。


Toyota, if you didn't know, will soon be celebrating its 100th year anniversary…not as a car company…but as the inventor of the world's first automatic loom.

没错,丰田最初不是制造汽车的,而是织布的。这就是为什么我们将 “Woven City” 的未来居民称为“Weavers(编织者)”。

That's right. We didn't start out by making cars, we began by weaving fabric. That's why we think of the future residents of Woven City…as Weavers.

就像汽车试驾一样,“Woven City”的居民将体验发明家们研发的新产品和服务,肩负起共同纺织未来的重要作用。

Because much like test drivers for cars…our residents will be the ones who use and experience the new products and services our inventors develop…and will play a critical role in pulling all the threads together.

“Woven City”的核心是合作,是将不同的观点、才能和能力编织在一起,为我们的未来创造新的“理所应当”。

For me…at its core…Woven City is about collaboration…its about the opportunity to weave together diverse points of view, talents and abilities…to create a new kind of fabric for our future.


A future…where we hope to not only move people…but move hearts.

今天,听到我这番发言后,那些渴望创造更美好未来、想要做出改变、立志做有价值之事,且为此而心动的人们,请接受参与“Woven City”的邀请函吧。

So today, I say…to anyone…in any corner of the world…inspired or excited…to make a difference…make a change…or make it count…please consider this…your official invitation, to join us at Woven City.


Thank you very much.

入住Woven City参与实证的居民,预计到2025年秋季启动时约为100人左右。

计划初始居民将主要是丰田及Woven by Toyota等方的相关人员及其家人。

之后居民范围将扩展到Inventor等群体,计划从2026年度开始,普通公众也将作为Woven City居民参与实证。

此外,Inventor中已确定有大金工业、达亦多(Dydo Drinco)、日清食品、UCC Japan和增进会集团(Zoshinkai Holdings Inc.)这五家公司。

为了让初创企业、创业家以及大学和研究机构等在未来也能活用Woven City,今年夏季将启动“加速进程(Accelerator)计划”的招募工作。

丰田时报也将继续关注Woven City,多样化的参加者们通过“乘法发明”带来创新,会编织出怎样的未来,让我们一同期待。

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